数字互动改变了公民和公务员的公共服务体验. 这些互动有助于市政当局简化公民体验并吸引社区参与, while maintaining public service continuity in crisis situations. Plus, automation of recurrent tasks enables employees to focus on citizens.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业公共部门解决方案可帮助您为公民提供无缝的个性化访问, 数字服务, enabling employees to collaborate across silos and automate repetitive tasks. 我们的数字解决方案尊重GDPR以及其他数据隐私要求,并可在云中使用, 本地或混合模式.
Transform the public service experience
- 通过数字服务改变市民体验和社区参与
- Automate recurrent services for better efficiency
- 打破服务之间的孤岛,确保数字化、远程工作场所的连续性
- Secure citizen and public service data
- Optimise the budget with flexible business models
Deliver next-generation, digital experiences
Engage with your citizens in a 安全 digital space using 彩虹, which modernizes public service with audio, video and 闲谈,聊天 interactions from your website and apps. 与彩虹, you can simplify administrative requests and gather community feedback, send public safety alerts instantly, and evolve to smart services with geolocation, 物联网还是A.I.
政府网站和移动应用程序的数字化服务简化了行政手续. You can automate recurrent requests with A.I.的聊天机器人, 公民可以请求服务或通知公共损害,并确保他们得到正确的服务. Public services can address more requests, faster.
A modern, digital workspace empowers public servants. 来自同一部门或不同部门的员工可以通过语音交换信息, 闲谈,聊天, Videos或文件. 现场操作人员可以实时连接到操作中心,减少现场干预时间. 在危机情况下,由于安全访问他们的数字工作场所,代理人可以远程工作.
Gain citizen confidence with data privacy and cost control
How you ensure data privacy establishes your digital reputation. 我们的母语, 通过用户身份验证和传输中的数据流加密,降低安全风险,保护敏感信息. 彩虹服务器尊重云主权,并遵守最新的欧洲数据隐私法规(GDPR和ISO/IEC 27001:2013).
灵活的选项可帮助您控制公共支出并尊重数据主权. You can choose off-the-shelf applications, 端到端解决方案或平台即服务api,以便集成到现有的应用程序或工作流中. 云, 内部部署或混合选项利用现有的基础设施来减少部署时间, costs and let you evolve at your speed.
Citizens enjoy convenience and simplicity all the time:
- 在移动设备上进行数字化和个性化交易,节省市民时间,提高满意度
- Simple collaboration empowers community engagement
- 公务员远程工作工具确保在任何情况下公共服务的连续性
Public sector employees enjoy improved working conditions:
- 数字化工作场所简化了从任何地方访问工具、同事和信息的过程
- Mobility and connectivity enhance effectiveness
- 协作和信息共享有助于打破藩篱、自主和决策
- Public service data is encrypted, safe and 安全d
IT managers enjoy smooth digital transformation and a 安全 solution:
- 您将拥有顶尖的专业知识和丰富的数字化转型经验
- Your users are supported by global, multi-lingual experts
- 彩虹是世界范围内成熟的、工业化的、政府认可的解决方案
- 本地部署选项严格遵守政府数据安全先决条件
Public service managers control efficiency and costs:
- 彩虹 CPaaS infrastructure saves time and money when deploying a cloud solution
- Flexible solutions such as cloud, on-premises or hybrid adapt to your budget
E-democracy - Connex Web Series | S1 | E121/200:03:05
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