OmniAccess Stellar Access Point 1301
入门级Wi-Fi 6接入点是各种规模的企业要求简单的理想选择, secure, and scalable wireless solutions.
OmniAccess恒星AP1301带来无与伦比的连接性, 覆盖范围和性能,以具有竞争力的入门级价格与现代物联网(IoT)连接的企业. The AP1301 with 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) technology, enables faster speeds, more capacity, 高效分配客户通话时间.
OmniAccess恒星AP1301采用双无线电供电.4 Ghz/5 Ghz频段服务于高密度Wi-Fi客户端,并具有射频无线电动态调整增强的WLAN技术, a distributed control Wi-Fi architecture, 安全的网络准入控制与统一访问, 内置应用程序智能和分析.
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- 802.11 ax (Wi-Fi 6) high efficiency features including; faster speeds, 更大的容量和有效的通话时间分配.
- 简单地提供企业级安全性和可扩展性.
- 完全向后兼容现有的802.11 a/b/g/n/ac deployments.
- 正交频分多址(OFDMA)可以使更多的客户端同时在同一信道上运行,从而提高效率, latency, and throughput.
- Multi-user multiple input, 多输出(MU-MIMO)允许一次传输更多数据,并使接入点能够处理更多并发客户端.
- 目标唤醒时间(TWT)使Wi-Fi认证的6设备更节能.
- Provides enhanced security with WPA3.
- Can be deployed in three different modes, all through a single version of software, simplifying IT operations.
Supporting Documents
OmniAccess Stellar AP1301实现更快的速度, 为客户提供更大的容量和高效的通话时间分配.
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OmniAccess Stellar AP1301实现更快的速度, 为客户提供更大的容量和高效的通话时间分配.
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